Bud E. Luv – Music To Watch Girls By

“Music To Watch Girls By,” as performed by Bud E. Luv on hiTrecords, is a celebration. He believes that people are going to be people and do what people do. Naturally, and irrespective of changing societal mores, meaning we’re going to look at each other, and appreciate what we see, regardless of age, appearance, or anything else.


‘Moment’ by Gal Musette was a stroke of serendipity

‘Moment was a song I wrote one verse for 7 years ago, but at some point I lost the paper with lyrics on it and over time almost completely forgot the melody. Years later when I experienced a significant personal loss, I was struggling to express my grief and fell into a crippling season of writer’s block. By a stroke of serendipity, the lyric reappeared on a folded piece of paper in my glove compartment which triggered a memory of the melody.

Pop Music, REVIEWS

Abon releases thought provoking captivating new music

Abøn is a composer, vocalist, producer and dancer with a gift for creating captivating soundscapes that has the power to deliver an important message. ‘Orion’ is a wonderful exploration of her talents that demonstrated the artists ability to create thought provoking artistry in music. The energy of the song is enchanting, uplifting, and motivating, inviting listeners into a warm field of ethereal sound and enlivened imagination.

Abøn inspiring soundscape music with stary night art work with girl.