As you immerse yourself in the holiday season, make sure to include Cabela and Schmitt’s Christmas songs in your festive playlist. From the joyous “Christmas Bells Are Ringing” to the timeless “The Newborn King” and the beautiful storytelling of “Little Baby Jesus,” these songs embody the spirit of Christmas in a truly exceptional way. So gather your loved ones, turn up the volume, and let Cabela and Schmitt’s music fill your hearts with warmth and joy this holiday season.
The music was composed the mid 1990s! Back then, we would often play our ideas on a sequencing machine called a Dr. Rhythm Section. We had four tracks to work with. A happy, bell-reminiscent, piano part started to come together, and I added to that the usual bass, drums, and guitar. The music idea sat for a few years before Rich made a Christmas song out of it! For this song, we have hired professional singers, instrumentalists, and production managers to bring out the full essence of the music.
Two Schmitts and a Cabela, that’s how it all started. Two brothers and their best friend looking to rock the world. Like most kids with dreams of fame and fortune, all they really wanted to do was jam out with their buddies. Like all who came before them, they tried everything they could think of to get into the music business.
Celebrating the Holidays with Music from Cabela and Schmitt
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