A stunning song about relationships and the power of friendship. It’s deeply connected to life and embodies the true spirit of kindness and humanity at this difficult junction in history.
Singer Songwriter, SINGLES
Janet Odani’s New Single ‘Rest’ is about the peacefulness of God
Janet Odani is a singer and songwriter currently based in Coffs Harbour, Australia.
Alternative, Rock, SINGLES
Tony Oso Grabs the attention of people struggling with addiction
After hitting its first 5k streams on Spotify, Tony Oso’s single on addiction has clearly hit home for listeners.
Patient X addresses a struggling society with new single Overdose
I would like to encourage people who are going through this struggle to remember there will always be someone out there who will listen and help you.
Singer Songwriter, SINGLES
The Song Tailors talks about belonging on New Single You are my Tribe
The song is about belonging. The song says that one person can be your Tribe. I wrote it for my mum to express my love for her and that she’s my inspiration, but the song is for everyone and has a universal message about inclusion and belonging.