This title is short for revenge. I asked J Thurston and Lord Maze to help me with this song to give our experiences in a way that people could feel and understand. They knew the assignment.
Some people show respect for others and we help those we can, but you always have those few that won’t reciprocate the action. They take advantage and burn the bridge, then expect you to send a boat!
Now as men, you hold yourself responsible for your faults and live amongst your demons…we all have them.
Jon Hannz new album ‘Amongst My Demons’ focuses on current culture and real-life tales.
“Amongst My Demons” is a pure hip hop album not old school but a new school grown man music. I wanted a full body of work to play from track 1-17 as a smooth calm conversation that can be listened to and accepted as a message. I wanted an album for the adult crowd. I’m not trying to be cool or fit in, it’s what I feel the world needs to hear. A lot of people are complimenting this as if they never heard anything like it and I guess that’s great! My goal is and will always be to make relatable music that never gets old.
WPGM of Conversations About Her wrote:
“I enjoyed the captivating flow and engaging vocal delivery.. You’ve got great style that really stands out.“
Elite Muzik wrote:
“The production is dope, the chorus is solid, and the rhyme delivery / wordplay are inspired.
For Fans Of wrote:
“Cool track and vocal performance with an interesting instrumental. The vocal melodies (both singing and rapping) were catchy and delivered very well.
Alpha Saliou Daimaô of Legro Stas Desik wrote:
“The single is unique and fun. I haven’t heard anything like it. Great job, thanks for sharing. ”
**Everything you need to know about his album is here: avaliveradio.info/featured/jon-hannz-new-album-amongst-my-demons
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