It’s fresh finds Monday!! We have some new music you will love ranging from singer songwriter classics to Dream pop and a little edgy alternative rock. This list is a fit for a music fan with a range of musical tastes. Enjoy!

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Whatever Happened (To Where We Belong) by Abby K, Matthias Clark @AbbyKMusic @matthiassongs is on our Radar Right NOW..

Quit Fucking Around by Francis of Delirium @frantowndeli Is the New Coolest thing to come out of a bedroom this month. Vancouver artist Jana Bahrich

Columbus Ohio LOOK Out ‘What’s It Take’ by Snarls @snarlsband is making waves with an edgy rock style and sophisticated vocal.

Australia never saw this talented girl coming. Check out Umbilicus by Sleuth @sleuthmusic1

Weak Days by Kaiti Jones @kaitijonesmusic is the BEST thing coming out of Bostom right now. Love the new single.

Hello TEXAS!! You Act Like a Child by KIT @_kit_music is amazing. Great New single.

Chilling with a new tune from @UniformsMusic ‘Brazil’ by Uniforms

Blow Those Candles Out by Mick J Clark, Morocco @MickjclarkJ

Feel that fire fall from the sky and the rolling thunder in the midnight hour.. Voodoo Magic by Black Angel @Pattwoods1 is a rock song to keep on replay.

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