Cabela and Schmitt Music have already found success. Their track “ALL ALONE” has made a mark by charting at number 8 on the New Music Weekly Hot 100 charts. Another track, “YOU MAY NEVER KNOW,” has garnered an impressive 1,270m streams on Spotify. What sets the Cabela & Schmitt Project apart is their talent for transcending genres.

The latest release of ‘You may never know’ is filled with thoughtfulness, passion, and heartfelt moments. Amidst our relentless drive for success, the song serves as a reminder not to neglect those we hold dear.

We pour our efforts into endeavors that, in the larger picture, might disintegrate after a few challenging decades. Nevertheless, in this race, we often overlook the significance of what really matters. It’s a powerful reminder that those who care about us need our time and attention. Building relationships on a solid foundation is achieved by nurturing these connections.

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